About Us
“Dreams Come true” a phrase which is quite inspiring but rarely holds true in this highly competitive Corporate world as far as Job aspirants are concerned. Finding a dream job is like finding a pearl in an oyster. With the increasing competition, every business entity wants to hire the best in the business. At the same time, job seekers also want a destination where they can hone their skills. Catering to the needs of both, SkilltoEmployment has taken it upon itself to transform the phrase “Dreams Come true” into the biggest reality of the corporate world.
Skill to employment is an organization focused on bridging the gap between the existing skill set and the required skill set of a job aspirant.
Employment opportunities are galore however the same cannot be said about the skill set of individuals hence we have a high percentage of unemployment in the country.
Skill to employment aims to bring down the rejection rate and raise the selection rate of job aspirants in this highly competitive corporate world.
We intend to be the catalyst that will ensure optimum utilization of resources for both employer and the job aspirant.
Skill to Employment is an initiative to train youths as per their capabilities and make them employable, and aims to coordinate, converge and deliver quality skill training to youth to make them self-reliant and to enhance their employability.
Furthering the initiative, Skill to Employment will provide soft-skill as well as technical-skill driven training in the identified industry sectors to the candidates in a manner broadly in conformance with Corporate Standards across various sectors to help graduate youth secure gainful employment.
Our Pedagogy
Corporate need Analysis
Identify the opportunities from an extensive list of employers connected with skilltoemployment.

Profiling the Candidate
Understanding the profile of the candidate to indentify matching job opportunities.

Bridging the Gap
We intend to draw parity between the employer and the job aspirant by providing right amount of guidance to the candidate basis the corporate need analysis.

Coordinating with the employer to understand the final outcome of the interview process and doing a post interview feedback analysis.

SkilltoEmployment aims to bridge the gap between the requirement of the employer and skill set and aspirations of a job aspirant.